Aeolian produced not only the concert and beginners piano, but also for the artist and leisure time musician. Recognition was given by the trade to the various Aeolian lines is the best evidence that Aeolian Corporation pianos manufactured in Memphis and East Rochester, fulfilled every requirement in grands, studios, spinets, consoles and players in a variety of scales and finishes, as well as case designs. Aeolian Corporation, which in 1982 owned over 40 registered brand names, the product of merger and acquisitions over the years combining 16 domestic piano producers and the largest Canadian producer. This company's purchasing power contributed immeasurably to the integrity and value of instruments that were made in the various Divisions. The affiliation of the various houses that formed this large and powerful contributing force to the art of music, insures for each a wider scope for musical activity in that each of its units was of the highest quality in its grade, which had an extraordinary economy of production. Piano lines controlled and manufactured by this Division listed alphabetically include Chickering & Sons, Wm.

This name is known the world over in connection with musical instruments, It is applied to some of the various products of the Aeolian Company of New York which instruments of renown included the Duo Art Pianola, Weber Pianola, Steck Pianola, Wheelock Pianola, Stuyvesant Pianola, Steinway Duo Art Pianola, Stroud Pianola the Aeolian Orchestrelle and the Aeolian Pipe Organ it also controlled the Meludee Music Co., Inc., and the Universal Music Co. By this time everyone got into the act, and every piano maker so manufactured a player of some sort. Within a few short years, the push up'players disappeared from the scene. It wasn't long after the turn of the century that it was deemed desirable to 'miniaturize' the clumsy Pianola and other similar, instruments so that they could be built directly inside the pianos.

#Howard piano serial number lookup series#
The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individual factories planned so that manufacturing of the various instruments was carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and by separate organizations, each under direction of men who had been associated with each respective make for many years, thus preserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities of each piano. All Baldwin Upright or Vertical Pianos - Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin Grand Pianos. Regis, Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton). (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke, Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St.